US Embassador HE Mr.Scot Marciel respected to the Venerable Sayadaw Baddanta Cendimar Bivamsa, the Executive Sayadaw of the State Samgha Mahanayaka on Thursday,5th April 2018 at 9:00 AM in the Vijaya Mingalar Dhamma Sabin, Kabaaye Hillock.
The US Embassador and the Venerable Sayadaw reciprocally introduce to each other.The US Embassador Mr.Scot Marciel asked the Venerable Sayadaw thus: “I would like to know that started year and the duties of the State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee” The Venerable Sayadaw answered thus:”State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee has been carrying out for the Three main duties which are Religious Affairs,Viniccaya Affairs and Educational Affairs.
Then the US Embassador asked thus: “I would like to know the relationship between the State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee and the Government.
The Venerable Sayadaw explained thus: The supporting of Government is need for the Promotion and Propagation of Sasana; the Meeting of All-Sect of Samghas were held successfully not only by the supporting of the Government of Socialist Republic of Myanmar but also by donation of donors or alms-foods, robes, monasteries, medicine which are the four requisite things are need for activities of Promotion and Propagation of Sasana;The Government is performing for Purification, Stability, Propagation of Sasana by admonishment of the Venerable Sayadaws; If the problems which are to be annoying for Promotion of Sasana,the Government needs to solve these; the direct relationship is not between the State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee and the Government but it is like the relationship between monks and disciples.
The Meeting was closed at 10:00 AM after discussion of the two side. The Executive Venerable Sayadaw Baddanta Candimar Bivamsa, the Director U Tun Nyunt of the Department of Sasana and Viniccaya Affairs ,the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, the Deputy Director U Wai Lin and The officers of Department of External Affairs attended the meeting.
Translated by Daw Moe Moe San