Vinicchaya Affairs

1. Duties and Responsibilities

2. Religious offences which must not be accpeted and investigated

3. Religious cases which must be transfered to the State Samgha Maha Nayaka Committee

4. The cases which must not be accepted and investigated by Vinaya Dhara Monks

5. Settled offences

6. Forming State Samgha Vinicchaya Committee and deciding

7. Implementation from Township level to State level

8. Forming of Separate Samgha Vinicchaya Committee and deciding

9. Forming of Separate Samgha Vinicchaya Committee and deciding (State level)

10. Forming of Separate Vinaya Dhara Committee and making deciding (State level)

11. Implementation of Vinichcaya decisions

12. Adhamma cases from 1981 to 2015

13. Vinicchaya cases of State from 1988 to 2015

14. Documentary photos