Tipitakadhara Selection Examinations how to appear
- If Tipitaka person appears, he must be surely called and regarded as very very rare Bhikkhuhood hero. The wealthy Sir U Thwin from Yangon City who ever bore in his mind that if someone efforted for the appearance of such very-very rare bhikkhuhood Heros, distinctive wholesome of Dullabha will happen, planned to hold the Three Tipitaka examinations but failed.
- The Buddha Sasananuggaha Committee headed by the wealthy Sir U Thwin submitted to the State to carry out the task of propagating Sasana successfully at Myanmar Country by celebrating convening of the Sixth Buddhist Synod with in Buddhist era 2500. Therefore, the State co-ordinated with other Theravada Buddhist countries for convening the Sixth Buddhist Synod. Because the other Theravada five countries asked the State whether there was the Three Pitaka reciter in Myanmar country, The Buddha Sasananuggaha Committee intended towards the appearance of Tipitaka reciter, Sasana-hero and Tipitakadhara selection committee was formed. Then, Tipitakadhara Tipitakakovidha examination was held starting from Myanmar Era 1310(1948)
Qualification of Answerers
To be degree holder of Tipitakadhara Tipitakakovidha, any one must pass five levels of reciting answer and five levels of idea by writting answer. The answerers must be only monks and novices who passed any one examination of Pathamagyi or Vinayavidu level or Third level of Thamanaykyaw or Lecturer level of Cetiyangana and Sakyasiha.
Offered Honourable Degree
The examination of reciting answer and ideology-examination of writting answer are held from last week of December to third week of January for 33 days. Every year at the second week of May, great auspicious celebration of offering honourable degree is held. Up to day, 13 Venerable Monks who got honourable Degree of Tipitakadhara, Tipitakakovidha and 8 venerable monks who got honourable Degree of Tipitakadhara appeared. And 9 venerable monks who got honourable Degree of Tipitakadhara Tipitakakovidha are still alive. 5 years after receiving Tipitakadhara Tipitakakovida Degree, State offers him Tipitakadhara Dhammabhandagarika Degree. Offered insignias for each Pitaka are as follows-
- Reciting
- If one passeson one Basket, (Pitaka), one Kanetkadhan white umbrella with red handle.
- If one passes on two Baskets (Pitaka), two Kanetkadhan white Umbrellas with red handle.
- If one passes on three Baskets (Pitaka), three Kanetkadhan white umbrellas with red handle.
They are offered Sasana Flags bearing above emblems.
- Ideology writting answer
- If one passes one Basket (Pitaka), one Kanetkadhan white umbrella with yellow handle.
- If one passes two Baskets (Pitaka), two Kanetkadhan white umbrellas with yellow handle, Sasana Flag bearing above emblems, Degree-Certificate, water-land travel upper Class free ticket, rice for every month, and Navakamma-Vatthu money are offered monthly by the State.
- If one Passes 3 Baskets (Tipitaka), 3 Kanetkadhan white umbrellas with yellow handle.
Sasana flag bearing above emblem, Tipitakadhara Tipitakako-vidha pass-certificate, and water-land travel upper class free ticket, monthly rice for alms-food and Navakamma-Vatthu were offered by the State Government.
Recorded Photos