(a) Tasks for holding meetings
- Regular meetings
- Special meetings
- Co-ordination meetings
- Managing for meeting of 47- Monks
(b) Tasks of Selection and subsitution for vacancies in all levels of Samgha Committees.
- Forming Supervision Committee for selection and substitution State Ovadacariya
- Forming Supervision Committee for selection and substitution of State Samgha Maha Nayaka.
- Forming Supervision committee for selection and substitution of State Central Samgha Wansaung.
- Forming Supervision committee for selection and substitution of Representative Samgha Sammuti.
- Forming Supervision committee for selection and substitution of Region (or) State Ovadacariya Samgha Nayaka.
(c) Recording, confirming and issceing gazet for selection and specification of all levels of Samgha Committees.
- State Ovadacariya
- State Samgha Maha Nayaka
- State Central Samgha Wan Saung
- Samgha Sammuti Representative
- Region, State, Township Samgha Nayaka
- Region, State, Township Vinayadhara
(d) Solving and settling the problems concerning with forming and selection of all levels of Samgha Committees, qualities and disablity of Samgha Committee members.
(e) Making statistic for prominent Pagodas.
(f) Constructing new monasteries and pagodas.
(g) Solving and settling the problems concerning with selecting and appointing head of monasteries.
(h) Solving and settling the problems concerning with forming Pagoda Trustee Committees.
(i) Solving and settling the problems of Sect transfering.
(j) Taking statistic of Wazo Monks and Nuns.
The Sub-committee of Sasana affair is carrying out the task in accordance with basic principles confirmed by the meeting of all Samgha Sects, the procedures precribed by the meeting of the State Samgha Wan Saung, The principle of transfering Sect, the manual of Samgha, Act of Samgha Committee 20/90, periodical: instruction of State Samghamaha Nayaka Committee and Dhammavinaya.