Holding for the Fifth Time, Eight-Meeting of the Third responsible group of the Seventhe State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee which was held on Wednesday, 10th January, 2018 at 1:00pm in the Meeting Hall of the State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee
The Meeting was opened by reciting ‘Sasanacca Lokassa’ and the Associate secretary of the State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee Aggamaha Panddita, Dwepittakadhara Dhamma Yaungchi Venerable Sayadaw Bhaddanta Aggadhamma performed as the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee Abhidhaza Maharathaguru Sgimin Sayadaw Bhaddanta Obarsa Bivamsa performed as the President of it.
In the Meeting, the Venerable Sayadaws of the third responsible group of the Seventh State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee confirmed the record of the Fifth, Seventh-time Meeting (ta-panza 7/2017) and discussed the reporting of Viniccaya, Religious Affairs, Educational Affairs and General Affairs. The ceremony was closed by “Buddhasasanan Ccirantitthatu” 3 times at 3:30pm.
The 14 Venerable Sayadaws of the Third responsible group except the Venerable Natnuie Sayadaw Baddanta Vimala and Director U Tun Zaw Myint, Deputy Director U Wai Lin and officers and service personnel attended the Meeting.
Translated by Daw Moe Moe San